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Physical Wellness and Mental Wellbeing

Swami Satyananda Saraswati, yoga teacher & guru, once said: 

"The mind & body are not separate entities. The gross form of the mind is the body & the subtle form of the body is the mind. [...]. Both the body & the mind harbor tensions or knots. Every mental knot has a corresponding physical, muscular knot & vice versa"

Black and white photo showing someone's neck and shoulder

In essence, our physical well-being is intricately intertwined with our mental health, and vice versa. When our physical health is compromised, it often has a direct impact on our mental state.

Consider a time when you were unwell with the flu or a cold. How did those physical symptoms influence your mental well-being? Perhaps you experienced a mix of emotions, such as relief from taking a break from work or guilt for missing out on social gatherings. Regardless of your specific feelings, it is evident that our physical condition significantly influences our mental health.

As we observe Physical Wellness month in April, let's take this opportunity to contemplate our own physical well-being. Physical wellness encompasses more than just physical activity; it encompasses all aspects of caring for our bodies. I encourage you to reflect on the following areas and consider how you can enhance your physical wellness.


Sleep is a vital component of overall well-being, with adults typically requiring 7-9 hours of rest each night. Research indicates that sleep deficiency can significantly impact cognitive function, emotional regulation, and mental health, potentially leading to issues such as decision-making difficulties, emotional instability, and challenges in adapting to change. Furthermore, inadequate sleep has been associated with conditions like depression, suicidal tendencies, and risky behavior.

How would you rate your sleep wellness?

sad face, neutral face, and yellow smiley face


When it comes to nutrition, individual preferences and needs play a crucial role in determining what constitutes a nourishing eating plan. It is essential to pay attention to how different foods make you feel and affect your body, not just in the moment but also in the long term. Research indicates that our gut is the second brain, suggesting that what we put into our bodies can have a significant impact on our mood and overall mental well-being. By tuning into your body's responses to various foods, you can tailor your nutritional intake to support your physical well-being effectively.

How would you rate your nutritional wellness?

sad face, neutral face, and yellow smiley face

Physical Health Care

Regularly visiting (at least 1 visit per year) a primary care physician (PCP) is recommended, serving as an essential opportunity for preventive care and early intervention. While doctor's appointments may evoke feelings of anxiety or stress, they are crucial for maintaining long-term health and potentially averting more serious health issues down the line. Accessing healthcare can be difficult for some; however, there are resources available. Consider locating a Free & Charitable Clinic close to you as prevention is key to enhance long-term health and wellness outcomes.

How would you rate your physical wellness?

sad face, neutral face, and yellow smiley face


Physical activity, or movement, is a key pillar for physical wellness and mental wellbeing. Encompassing any form of movement that engages the body is good for overall wellness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends adults 18 years of age and older engage in 150 minutes per week of moderately intense movement (for example, a 30 -minute brisk walk 5 days per week), along with muscle-strengthening exercises two days per week. Incorporating this type of movement can significantly benefit both physical and mental health. Research indicates that exercise not only helps reduce stress hormones in the body, but also triggers the release of endorphins, natural mood enhancers and pain relievers, promoting overall well-being.

How would you rate your movement wellness?

sad face, neutral face, and yellow smiley face

Setting SMART Goals

When it comes to physical wellness, the multitude of aspects to consider can sometimes feel overwhelming, making it challenging to pinpoint where to start. This sense of uncertainty can often lead to procrastination. It's important to remember that any step towards change, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction.

Person running up colorful set of stairs

One effective approach to navigating this process is by setting SMART goals. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound. For example, starting with a manageable goal like going for a 15-minute walk once a week for the next 4 weeks can be a great starting point. If 15 minutes feels too long, adjusting it to 10 minutes can make the goal feel more achievable. If exercise isn't currently a priority for you but you're looking to make changes to your nutritional goals, setting a goal related to your nutrition may be more relevant for your wellness journey.

We're Here to Help

If having more support can assist you with meeting your goals, we are here to help! Contact us at 407-308-0345 or email us at Ask us about our discounted therapy rates or request a free 15-minute consultation.


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